Art and painting - Beja

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Einsatzort: Beja, Portugal

Einsatzsprache(n): Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch

Themen: Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, Soziokulturelle Animation , Kreativität und Kultur, Bürgerschaft und demokratische Teilhabe, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden, Beschäftigung und Unternehmergeist

Startdatum: Zwischen 2. September und 30. September 2025
Dauer des Einsatzes: 3-4 meses

Organisation: Autonomia e Descoberta CRL (Webseite)

"Every person, without any type of discrimination, should have the opportunity to show his/her solidarity and volunteer for the benefit of the community he/she lives in".

Autonomia e Descoberta, CRL actively promotes Volunteering, Youth Mobility and the Culture of Peace as tools to transform society and as real opportunities to develop key competences.

It uses non-formal, intercultural, service and experiential learning methods to encourage active participation of young people and supports educational, social and cultural youth initiatives with a positive impact in community life.

At local and regional level, the A&D acts as an information desk for volunteering opportunities and promotes the development of innovative voluntary service for young people, adults and seniors in collaboration with other voluntary based NGOs and both private and public organizations.

At international level, the A&D edits publications, organizes events and acts as a coordinating, hosting and sending organization for trans-national voluntary service projects, training courses and youth exchanges, helping NGO leaders and young people with fewer opportunities to take part in NFL and ICL programmes.

A&D works in partnership with different civil society NGOs and networks.

Gewünschtes Freiwilligenprofil

- Motivated;
- Tolerant;
- Ready for new challenges;
- Team player; Dynamic.

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

A atividade principal consiste na recuperação de um edifício, que é atualmente uma Residência de estudantes, um Palácio, e que os voluntários irão desenvolver um conjunto de atividades de embelezamento, pintura, arranjos dos jardins entre outras, que possam surgir da criatividade e da energia dos próprios voluntários.
From the restoration and design of different indoor spaces and gardens, there is a chance to put your planning and creativity up for a challenge! At the same time, you are helping our small town.
This work will be focused mainly on the Maldonados Palace. The palace was built in the middle of the XVI century by a local family, It presents a renascent profile. Nowadays it became a student’s residence.
There will be two main areas of intervention:
-The gardens, where you will clean,
project, and build a concept for a new more up-to-date, and environmentally friendly landscape.
-The activity room, where you will paint, draw and create a more inviting and spirited environment for the youth.
The volunteers will also help in the restoration of the headquarters of the organization.

Weitere Informationen

The meals (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) are provided at the residence, except on the weekends
where you'll receive food money.
You will stay at Maldonados palace, a student house 5 minutes walking from the city centre.
You'll share a room with other Volunteers.
Unfortunately the residence where you'll be staying doesn’t include laundry service or access to
the machines, but don’t worry! There is a laundry mat 4 minutes away.




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