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Switzerland in a quiz

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Switzerland in a quiz


* The documents are available in German, French and Italian. 


Projector, Skype, tablets/laptops, dictionary (online), writing material, internet connection, book "Die Schweiz in einem Buch" (each class buys the book in their mother tongue. The book can be ordered via the following link: http://www.sbook.ch/writer/thewriter.cfm?lang=it)


5 lessons


This teaching unit was designed by the Universities of Teacher Education of Valais, Ticino and Grisons. Each pair / group has the task of reading part of the book "Switzerland in a book" (available in the three national languages). Based on the text, the pairs / groups prepare quiz questions in their L1 for the other class. The number of questions each pair / group has to prepare should be narrowed down beforehand and communicated to the groups (e.g. 3). The learners hold a video conference (via Skype); each pair/group asks the questions in their L1 to the other pair/group of the partner class. Alternately, each class takes the role of the questioners once (in their L1) and once the role of the answerers (in the L2 or L1 of the partner class). This quiz can take the form of a competition. The number of correct answers of each group within a class group counts.


Authors Movetia
Created 6 Sep 2022
School level Elementary school, Secondary school I
Phase Before the exchange, During the exchange
Social form Whole class/group
Activity type Game
Thematic course content The world and I
Implementation type Digital/Online
Languages German, French, Italian
Terms of use
Explanation of the terms of use


Die Schweiz in einem Quiz_DE


Die Schweiz in einem Quiz_FR


Die Schweiz in einem Quiz_IT