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Letter game (acrostic)
Letter game (acrostic)
Description | Material: Sheet, pencil Duration: approx. 15- 20min Content: The participants (1 participant from each language) are given a word in pairs, the letters of which are written vertically under each other. For each letter they have to find a German, French, Italian or English word that is related to the word written vertically.
Ideas for words to share in German: Romandie, Deutschschweiz, Tessin, Schule, Kultur, Unterschiede, Sprachen, Neues, Entdecken, Lernen, Namen der Austauschstädte (z.B. Basel, Montreux, etc.), Kennenlernen, Überwinden, Probieren Ideas for words to share in French: Romandie, Suisse alémanique, Ticino, école, culture, différences, langues, nouveautés, découvrir, apprendre, noms de villes d'échanges, connaître, surmonter, essayer Ideas for words to share in Italian: Ticino, Svizzera francese, Svizzera tedesca, scuola, cultura, differenze, lingue, cose nuove, scoprire, imparare, nomi delle città di scambio, conoscere, superare, sperimentare |
Authors | Movetia |
Created | 26 Jun 2023 |
School level | Secondary school I, Secondary school II, Youth group |
Phase | Before the exchange, During the exchange, After the exchange |
Social form | In tandem |
Activity type | Game, Words/languages |
Implementation type | In person/on site |
Languages | German, French, Italian, English |
Terms of use | ![]() Explanation of the terms of use |