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My favourite dish

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My favourite dish



Projector, Skype, tablets, laptops, dictionary, writing and drawing materials, internet connection, flipchart/ wrapping paper/ blackboard or similar.


5 lessons


  1. The learners choose their favourite dish and write the recipe in pairs in L2. Then they prepare a shopping list and calculate the necessary ingredients (quantity). At this stage they may use a dictionary (online or physical) to look up foreign words. If necessary, they can also calculate the cost per person.
  2. The recipe is illustrated on a poster or A3 sheet, with large letters (the posters/A3 sheets are then presented during the video conference).
  3. Learners present the recipe in pairs using the poster. Each tandem presents the recipe in L2 and answers the questions of the partner class.
  4. The presented recipes are discussed again (which ingredient was used, what kind of dishes were presented, etc.). If necessary, it would also be a good idea to discuss healthy eating, local traditions or even the topic of "food waste".
  5. It is also possible to collect the recipes presented to create an intercultural cookbook.

* The documents are available in German, French and Italian.

Authors Movetia
Created 9 Jan 2023
School level Elementary school, Secondary school I
Phase Before the exchange, During the exchange
Social form Whole class/group, Small groups
Goal of activity Ice-breaker/get to know each other
Activity type Cooking
Thematic course content The world and I
Implementation type Digital/Online
Languages German, French, Italian
Terms of use
Explanation of the terms of use


Mein Leibgericht


Mon plat préféré


Il mio piatto preferito