Musikalische Begegnung
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Exchange form: Reciprocal meeting, Joint trip (1-2 days)
Topic: Music and art
Class language: German
Desired language of the partner: French, Italian, English
Start: 2025/2026
Ich suche eine musikalische Formation, die an Austausch interessiert ist. Ich stelle mir eine Drittortbegegnungen (1-2 Tage) oder einen gegenseitigen Besuch (1-2 Tage im Schuljahr) vor. Im Zentrum soll das gemeinsame Musik machen stehen.
Je suis à la recherche d'une formation musicale intéressée par l'échange. J'imagine une rencontre (1-2 jours) ou une visite (1-2 jours dans l'année scolaire). L'accent devrait être mis sur la musique ensemble.
Sto cercando una formazione musicale che sia interessata allo scambio. Immagino un incontro (1-2 giorni) o una visita reciproca (1-2 giorni nell'anno scolastico). L'attenzione dovrebbe essere rivolta a fare musica insieme.
I am looking for a musical formation that is interested in exchange. I imagine an encounter (1-2 days) or a mutual visit (1-2 days in the school year). The focus should be on making music together.
If you are interested in this ad, you can express your interest. The person who posted the ad will receive your contact details and message. If, based on this information, they decide to accept your contact request, you will also get their contact details and you can start planning the exchange.
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Gymnasium Bäumlihof
Big Bäumli Band
School level: Upper secondary school (prep. university)
Language: German
Birth years: 2006 – 2003
Male: 7, Female: 8, Other: 0